Why is rowing the perfect full-body workout? Advantages and techniques

Warum ist Rudern das perfekte Ganzkörper-Training? Vorteile und Techniken

Rowing machines are one of the most popular training devices in the fitness sector. Their popularity is not without reason, as they offer an efficient full-body workout that trains both strength and endurance. In this post, we'll look at why the rowing machine is the perfect workout for the entire body and how you can get the best results.

1. Full body use

A rowing machine challenges almost every muscle in your body. Rowing puts strain on your legs, torso, arms and back. This not only ensures a calorie burn similar to that of other cardio machines, but also promotes muscle building in different areas of the body.

2. Cardiovascular training

Rowing increases your heart rate and improves cardiopulmonary function. This makes it an efficient workout for your cardiovascular system, increasing your overall fitness and endurance.

3. Low risk of injury

Because training on the rowing machine is gentle on the joints, it is perfect for people of all ages and fitness levels. It puts less strain on the joints than running or jumping, making it ideal for those looking for an injury-free exercise alternative.

4. Fat burning and weight loss

Thanks to the intense, full-body workout, rowing burns a lot of calories, which can help you lose weight. Combined with a balanced diet, it can effectively contribute to weight loss.

5. Improve posture

By training the back muscles and core, rowing promotes better posture. This is particularly important for people who sit a lot or generally have poor posture.

6. Technology is crucial

To get the most out of your rowing workout, it's important to master the correct technique. Efficient rowing requires coordinated movement of the legs, torso and arms. It may be advisable to initially seek advice from a trainer or consult online tutorials.


In addition to providing a comprehensive, full-body workout, a rowing machine offers a variety of health benefits, from increasing cardiovascular fitness to improving posture. With the right technique and consistent training, you can achieve impressive results that are noticeable both physically and mentally. If you are looking for a versatile and efficient exercise machine, the rowing machine could be the perfect choice for you.

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